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Notice-Rejection Of Goods For Breach Of Shipment Duties


Date: [Date of notice]

To: [First Name of Person being notified] [Last Name of Person being notified]
[Address of person being notified]
[City of person being notified], [State of person being notified]
[Zip Code of person being notified]

Dear [Mr./Mrs.] [Last Name of Person being notified]

In reference to the agreement between the undersigned and you dated [Date of agreement], for the sale by you to the undersigned of [Type of goods] to be shipped to the undersigned at [Shipping Address], [Shipping city], [Shipping state], the undersigned hereby rejects the shipment made by you for the following reasons:

1. The carrier selected by you and the agreement for transportation made by you was not reasonable having regard to the nature of the goods and all the circumstances of the shipment for the following reasons: [Reasons].

2. There was available to you, and reasonable regard to the nature of the goods and the other circumstances of the case required that you employ, the following manner of shipment: [Manner of shipment].

3. In consequence of the manner you employed to ship the goods, the goods were not delivered to the undersigned until [Date of delivery], and the duration of the shipment time was [Number of days] days more than would have been the case had shipment been made in the manner stated in Paragraph 2, above.

4, Because of the additional time consumed in transportation, the goods deteriorated to a material extent, as follows: [Deterioration of goods].

The undersigned therefore exercises the right of rejecting the shipment pursuant to [Citation of local enactment of Uniform Commercial Code $ 2-504] of [State].

